Meet the Founder
John J.Trakselis
A Message from John
I began honing my business problem-solving skills when I started my career in public accounting, and I developed and strengthened my consulting abilities as I advanced to partner level with one of the world’s leading firms. In addition to the rigor and discipline of providing solutions in highly visible situations, I learned how to assemble teams, provide executive-level service, and evaluate and coach talent. My interest in coaching others expanded as I took on roles in executive administration and operations management with three family-run businesses and later as an executive search professional. Eventually, I realized my calling as a business and life coach to CEOs and business owners.
Chicago CEO Coaching is dedicated to connecting authentic leaders – increasing their effectiveness and enhancing their lives in meaningful and significant ways. CCEOC also provides individual CEO, group and senior executive coaching and consultation through Vistage International. With more than 15,000 members worldwide, Vistage International offers innovative strategies, actionable ideas and peer support to CEOs and senior executives.
Through Vistage I facilitate sessions with clients who meet in small peer advisory groups every month to help one another become better leaders, make better decisions and achieve better results. Participants in the Vistage program receive monthly one-on-one coaching, and they participate in monthly peer group meetings.
In the group setting, we answer questions and question answers with the overriding principle in mind that all of us, collectively, are smarter than any one of us individually. Within the group experience, members exchange ideas, work on problems, develop opportunities and validate and enhance decision-making of the participants.
As a lifelong learner, I feel privileged to work with so many gifted and successful individuals who want to derive more out of life – across all areas. I endeavor to connect with individuals who can contribute and add value to peer groups and also benefit from the experience. CCEOC’s primary clients are CEOs, presidents, and business owners of small to medium-sized companies who want a new perspective on the issues they’re facing day-to-day. In addition, we have access to a highly qualified advisory group of professionals including business consultants, CPAs, financial advisors, and lawyers available to assist our clients as needs arise. If you are running a business operation, please connect with CCEOC to discuss opportunities to increase your effectiveness and enhance your life.
CEO & Founder, CCEOC
"Have the courage to say no. Have the courage to face the truth. Do the right thing because it is right. These are the magic keys to living your life with integrity."
—W. Clement Stone -
"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards."
— Soren Kierkegaard -
"For the first twenty-five years of my life, I wanted freedom. For the next twenty-five years, I wanted order. For the next twenty-five years, I realized that order is freedom."
— Winston Churchill -
"People don’t grow old. They become old because they stop growing."
— Pat Hyndman -
"Motivation is a fire from within. If someone else tries to light that fire under you, chances are it will burn very briefly."
— Stephen R. Covey -
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world."
— The Buddha -
"All of the top achievers I know are lifelong learners…looking for new skills, insight, and ideas. If they’re not learning, they’re not growing…not moving toward excellence."
— Denis Waitley