Leadership. Purpose. Meaning.

CCEOC's Vision is to connect and facilitate opportunities for CEOs and senior executives (individually and in peer groups) to grow as authentic business leaders and to experience significance and meaning in all dimensions of their lives.

John J. Trakselis, CEO & Founder, Chicago CEO Coaching

John J. Trakselis, CEO & Founder, CCEOC

It is my pleasure to welcome you to Chicago CEO Coaching (CCEOC). As an experienced senior executive, business leader and the CEO/president of my own company for many years now, I founded CCEOC with the express purpose of creating authentic, peer-to-peer connection and collaboration. It all begins the moment clients engage with me.

As a peer, I understand the CEO/business owner role is uniquely complex and dynamic. When one CEO connects with another, our experience shows there’s an almost immediate and automatic level of camaraderie and trust that begins to take hold, and this paves the way for the work we do at CCEOC.

We offer executive and life coaching, supplemented with business, career and personal development solutions designed to help Chicago area CEOs and senior executives discover opportunity, inspiration, ideas, possibility, significance and meaning on both an individual, one-to-one basis and within a peer group setting that yields exponential returns for participants across all dimensions of life. The outcomes we facilitate are extensive and include optimized business performance results, driven by the goals, dreams and aspirations CEOs establish or re-define as active participants in CCEOC. I invite you to explore the CCEOC site to learn more.

Chicago CEO Coaching Business Leaders Sharing

Our approach focuses on relationship building, connection and coaching. In one-on-one sessions and peer group communities, CCEOC increases the effectiveness of CEOs and executives.

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John J. Trakselis on Personal Best Radio, hosted by Kristin Tews on AM 560
John J. Trakselis - On The Road

Listen to John discuss topics that are fundamental to achieving success. John also lists his essential book recommendations to assist lifelong learners in their quest to be “all that they can be” in business and in life.

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John J. Trakselis testimonials for Chicago CEO Coaching
Inside CCEOC

Clients of CCEOC share their points of view on how individual coaching and peer connection have impacted their lives.

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Our mission is to help business leaders identify and achieve their goals, and to maximize their gifts and talents and share them with the world.

The CCEOC Experience
  • Individual CEO Coaching
  • CEO Coaching Groups (Vistage International)
  • Leadership Development Groups (Vistage Inside)
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Take the CCEOC Executive Pledge

As a successful CEO, business owner or senior executive, I am committed to advancing my skills as an authentic leader, tapping the insight and wisdom of my peers and experiencing greater significance and meaning across all dimensions of life.

CCEOC Clients Share Core Values.

CCEOC operates in accordance with a set of core values shared by our clients. As follows:

  • Act with integrity.
  • Maintain the highest levels of responsibility and accountability.
  • Focus on continuous learning.
  • Be open and receptive to better ways of getting things done.
  • Build and sustain relationships in a caring manner.
  • Check hubris at the door.
Testimonial for Chicago CEO Coaching

"John's excellent leadership development skills emanate, in part, from the fact that he is truly a tremendous person. John brings a level of expertise and diligence to his craft that is unmatched, and he combines those qualities with a sincere care for the persons with whom he works. I highly recommend him as an executive coach, as a leadership coach and as a friend."

Monte Henige, CEO and owner, Tru Fragrance and Beauty