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Take CCEOC on the road. John J. Trakselis recorded over 20 sessions as a contributor to Personal Best Radio, hosted by Kristin Tews on AM 560, The Answer. John was one of a number of subject-matter experts who talked with Ms. Tews on a range of topics related to achieving success. In an open discussion format, Tews poses questions to John on such subjects as happiness, quality of life, finance and more. Take a listen to podcasts of past shows featuring John from the selection below.
Click on a title from the list and the show will begin to play. For more information about the program, visit
CCEOC Recommends
CCEOC recommends the following collection of books as essential reading for business and personal insights. These will establish a foundation for making sure your best days are ahead of you!
Emotional Agility
by Susan David
by Angela Duckworth
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
by Stephen R. Covey
How the Mighty Fall
by Jim Collins
Great By Choice
by Jim Collins
Inspiration Deficit Disorder
by Jonathan Ellerby
Man's Search for Meaning
by Victor E. Frankl
The Art of Living
by Epictetus
How to Win Friends & Influence People
by Dale Carnegie
Understanding Michael Porter
by Joan Magretta
The Power if Meaning
by Emily Esfahani Smith
How Will You Measure Your Life?
by Clayton M. Christensen
by Carol S. Dweck
Conscious Business
by Fred Kofman
Culture Trumps Everything
by Gustavo R. Grodnitzky Ph.D.
Thinking, Fast and Slow
by Daniel Kahneman